Collection: South West Honey

South West Honey

South West Honey is an Australian family owned and operated business. It started as a small apiary located in the pristine coastal environment between the Southern Ocean & Pemberton in Western Australia. Their bees forage amongst 300 year old Karri & Redgum forest, now confined in its distribution to the high rainfall pocket of untouched forest between Pemberton/Walpole and the Southern Ocean. The nectar from these unique trees produces a delicious, distinctive flavoured honey which we like to think of as the vintage of the pristine and untouched environment. Now there are out-apiaries amongst the Jarrah forests in Margaret River, Karri forests of Yeagarup and coastal heath located along the coast west of Esperance. South West Honey has carefully selected apiary sites where their bees are free to forage in natural, disease free environments.

South West Honey premium active honey products are exclusively distributed by The Gourmet Box Australia in Hong Kong. 

1 product
  • South West Honey Premium Honey Flight
    South West Honey Premium Honey Flight - The Gourmet Box Australia
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